I was inspired by a comment I made in another thread so I decided to make my own post about dating in Nordic countries. I'd like to hear your experiences about navigating dating and relationships post-FDS, when there's more equality but going 50/50 and coffee dates are the norm. Also, so many situationships 🥲 So, how are things?
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I was the one bitching about dating in a Nordic country a while ago, maybe I'm the inspiration😅
Last fall/winter I was more active, but it was not very enjoyable . I found that FDS principles work alright to identify the creeps and losers - so don't engage if they can't keep a good conversation going, be open that the coffee/walk dates are not interesting to you and watch what happens. In that way I managed to meet some good guys even via online dating and obviously the huge amount of absolute garbage on those sites.
In my experience, the cost of living is high enough, so around the 3rd date it's super difficult to keep not paying at least something. I'm 26, so maybe this principle can still be maintained once you move out of the student age.
Sometimes they try to use the openness of Nordics to advocate for depravity - fx some guy said that 'anal just has always been his thing', because they are all so free and open, so I should just go ahead and accept that.
Now I'm dating women and ofc overall it's better, but it's still super frustrating of the amount of people who are gender fluid, non-monogamous, open relationship, looking for threesomes, 'transwomen' etc. Not sure if it's specific to Nordics or a global thing.
Would be nice to find a place in Nordics to meet more radical feminists. I have succeeded in making some friendships with liberal feminists, but sometimes their beliefs towards BDSM and trans movement really frustrate me.
I'm a finnish woman who's also in a relationship with a seemingly HVM. I started dating him before I discovered fds, meaning that our dates just consisted of us walking around in a park chatting and whatnot. It was actually my decision to not go for a more high-value date, because I hated (and still hate) restaurants and other places considered hv for a date. But when nowadays we go out somewhere, he always pays for me. Even now that I discovered fds my opinion of him hasn't changed, he's just a good person overall. I'm probably not a good example of an average relationship in nordics, since I got absurdly lucky considering that I met him on a dating app and this is the first time I was together with somebody. A lot of nordic men tend to be passive, which is something I noticed a lot.