Basically i was at the gym and I overheard some guy talking to one of his friends. They looked like dudebros so my expectations weren’t high anyways lmao. Guy starts talking about how his gf apparently really likes spicy food. Like really really REALLY likes it. So he’s made it his personal mission to find the absolute hottest food in the city because he gets really annoyed that she can handle any spicy dish he gives her. Like he is intentionally trying to find a dish that will “fuck her day up” and I guess be so spicy that she’s in pain (??). it feels like a neg tactic but I’m not sure
I know that spicy food probably isn’t completely related to FDS but this conversation actually bothered me from the lessons I’ve learned here…but I can’t quite articulate whats wrong here (maybe because the topic is so random lol), but it gave me red flag feelings. Help me articulate my thoughts ya’ll would you break up with someone for something like this if you were aware of it? I think I would.
I sense racial undertones as
Why would you want to fuck up your GFs day? Thats why this would bother any decent person, you're meant to want to make a partner happy and its weird to act like thats not a thing around your buddy.
It makes me think of the stereotype of a white girl who cannot handle spicy food - which is obviously ridiculous, there's literally not biological reason for women to have lower tolerance to spicy food than men. Perhaps this is a stereotype because they don't like that a woman can handle something better than them. It's such a dumb thing to feel threatened about but scrotes are dumb.
He does it because his tiny pea brain can’t process the fact that his gf can handle spicy food better than him.
what a pathetic loser.
Because he's not celebrating her "skill" for want of a better word, he's looking to undermine her. He's not rejoicing in her natural ability, he's looking to make her fail.
People who like spicy food often appreciate this challenge.
The braincells are nowhere to be found in these men, men get jealous over fucking anything. 'You can take more spicy food then me? You're a cunt let's see if you can take THIS and then we're talking huhuhu' fucking imbeciles. Even though 'it was a joke' but to speak about your partner this way as in 'fuck up her day' wiTh yOuR bRo, apparently so loud that anyone can hear it.. I find that disrespectful. I would break up, block and delete immediately. Guess he's a walking red flag.
Yeah, see, before FDS I wouldn't have thought anything was bad about this kind of attitude. Now I see it for what it is. An odd ego-play from insecure men wanting to punish a woman for daring to best him in anything. Mean-spirited attitudes like this are a red flag that is often overlooked. FDS may have ruined my perception of many seemingly mundane things done by men, but I'd rather be smart than live in blissful ignorance.
He feels threatened by her capacity to withstand snd even like spicy food. To him, it is a competition. Not a partnership. He turns cruel very fast. He feels the "need" to best her at everything. He cannot stand that a woman can do something and he cannot. I see this man turn TIM pretty soon because he wants to be the best woman too 🤡🤣
Hurting women makes shitty men feel powerful. Even if it’s subtle ways of hurting, degrading, and humiliating women, they will find a way to make it out as though it’s harmless and other scrotes and pickmes will believe it.
Schrodinger's scrote: a man who decides if he is serious or joking based on the response of his audience
Sounds like typical scrote humor... "Joking" about doing something physically or emotionally harmful or mean-spirited to people they supposedly care about. Except they're not really kidding, they really do want to hurt them in little ways like this and know they will get away with it because it's fronted as a joke or a prank.