Hi, I don't know how this post will be received. I'm going through a very difficult dichotomy IMHO. I am not sure I want a man, let alone marriage. I know what it's like to take care of a father who needs me 24/7 and the clinginess, bitchiness, and unpredictable mood swings are going to kill me, and if not kill me, age me 10 years. And that takes me to the aging part. Ironically, I don't want to lose desirability. In fact I'm freaking out over it. I have good skin and have been told that I do not look my age, but there comes a point in a woman's life where she starts getting that "look" after menopause and I feel that it would be over for me (looks-wise). I wish I could control these thoughts I have, but I'm having trouble doing that.
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We've probably all felt that way at some point but I think a lot of future scenarios we fear are made bigger and scarier by uncertainty, or assumptions about how bad it would feel. Yet once we're there you realize life goes on and you have bigger concerns/joys so you may feel totally different by then. So many women have said they grow into their confidence and their true self with age as you start to realize all those superficial people you once wished to impress aren't gonna make you happy at the end of the day. It's all about your mindset not your looks. There are beautiful young women who cant even be happy because they pick themselves apart and live to please creeps who hate them.
But on the flip side, If you take good care of your body, dress nice and do hair/makeup stuff while being unapologetically yourself, you will always be desirable to someone.