I am openly childfree. I do not want kids because I value my calm, freedom, and independence. Having a child would mean I would be stuck with dealing with a man the moment he turns abusive, because the child deserves to be in contact. Pregnancy will also cause a cut in my income as I will have to work parttime. Never going to happen. I'd rather die alone in a nursing home than be dependent on a man's mood to provide for me and his own damn child.
When I was on apps, I said I didn't have kids, but was open to them. Meaning that if a guy has adult kids,I might be accepting of those. Still, even 40-year-old men would match me, then throw a tantrum that they wanted a family. Dude, you're 40, why didn't you have kids sooner? Oh, you were sleeping around? Tough luck scrote. At 35 I KNOW I don't want kids. Why bother me? I know women my age who are having babies, but it seems a lot more difficult than getting pregnant in your twenties.
I've never wanted children, but there were a few moments in my life when I changed my mind because of my exes. They were future-faking, and I started to wonder, what if...? That’s often how women end up with babies. Fortunately, I always made sure we had safe sex. I can’t imagine having their kids and being stuck with them forever.
It also breaks my heart to see kids growing up in such a strange, cold world. I can’t bring a child into this. On top of that, seeing how my friends changed after having kids is scary. They’re not the same people I once knew. Some are fine, but others became so patronizing just because they’re "moms now" while I’m "just having fun." I don’t want to be like them.