SayNadDash · Jun 26, 2022Ideally, your relationship should be like this:LikeReactions10429 comments29Views
Galaktoboureko89🧿♉️🇬🇷🗽Dash · Oct 05, 2022How many times have you heard from men "WoMeN HiT tHe wAlL aT 30"?LikeReactions8724 comments24Views
ArditafarnamDec 23, 2022I have a rule: I never tell men about the pain they’ve caused me. LikeReactions9028 comments28Views
myheartisfullofloveMay 29, 2022Until You Are Married... You Are SINGLE.LikeReactions8524 comments24Views
myheartisfullofloveNov 15, 2022Study predicts 45% of women will be Single & childless by 2030LikeReactions8375 comments75Views